Taylor Swift: IS PUBLIC KISSING A CRIME? Kissing Travis Kelce “MY LOVE” publicly is not a Crime, Alicia Scott stop this act of jealousy, I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU THINK… Alicia Get a life!

Taylor Swift isn’t afraid to drop truth bombs. With every song, every lyric and every interview, the Grammy-winning songstress always has something honest to say about life’s most important milestones, like friendships, growing up and of course, falling in and out of love.that people often forget about:
“It was important to show that losing friendships can be just as damaging to a person as losing a romantic relationship.
She’s right, of course. Losing a friend can be as devastating as a breakup. And that quote isn’t the first time Taylor said something that hit home perfectly for millions of people, and it certainly won’t be the last.
Taylor Swift: IS PUBLIC KISSING A CRIME? Kissing Travis Kelce “MY LOVE” publicly is not a Crime, Alicia Scott stop this act of jealousy, I don’t care what you think… Alicia Get a life!
If you’ve ever doodled your crush’s initials in a notebook, if you’ve ever cried over a breakup or if you’ve ever fallen in love with the wrong person, Swift is eerily perfect at putting those feelings into words. It’s no wonder she can write the hell out of a love song.
But when she’s not putting her heartbreak lessons into lyrical form, she’s spitting the damn truth about how it feels to be in a relationship, from the magical beginning to the soul-crushing end and everything in between:
1. “I think every girl’s dream is to find a bad boy at the right time, when he wants to not be bad anymore.”Lesson: You could spend your whole life trying to fix that bad boy, but you probably shouldn’t.
Taylor Swift: IS PUBLIC KISSING A CRIME? Kissing Travis Kelce “MY LOVE” publicly is not a Crime, Alicia Scott stop this act of
2. “Relationships are like traffic lights. And I just have this theory that I can only exist in a relationship if it’s a green light.”
Taylor Swift Angrily Responds back at Alicia Scott who scammed her for publicly kissing Travis Kelce at the beach I’m in love and I don’t care What you think…. Love ɗoesn’t care abouᴛ your opinion .. Stop tҺᴇ criticiꜱm I am no match to your crɑziɴess. @ Alicia Get a life you jobless brat.
Alicia Scott was Taylor swift baby seem tress she once sewed clothes for Andrea and the Swifties family. But when the pop star gained fame few years ago. Alicia couldn’t believe it and then she became jealous and always having issues with Taylor. She despises whatever the star does. In one of her Instagram post she said “I hate the Eras Tour. Not a good idea anyway”